Get the Lead Out – Protect your family and tenants from lead hazards

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Protecting children and families from the dangers of lead-based paints is our priority.

The Waterbury Lead and Healthy Homes Program is offering funding assistance to abate lead-based paint hazard and eliminate other housing related hazards.

Program Mission

HUD launched the Healthy Homes Initiative component to help protect children and families from housing related health and safety hazards. The purpose of the Healthy Homes Program is to identify current and potential causes of childhood illness and injury caused by the home itself. The funding from HUD addresses housing related hazards, including: lead, mold, allergens, asthma, carbon monoxide, home safety, pesticides and possibly more.

Healthy Homes assessments will be provided for each property applying for lead safe renovations and shared by Waterbury Lead & Healthy Homes in collaboration with Eversource, New Opportunities, Inc. and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

For application, screening and additional eligibility information, please contact:

City of Waterbury Department of Public Health
One Jefferson Square
Waterbury, CT 06706
Phone: 203-574-6786
Fax: 203-573-6677

Learn More & How to Apply

